Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml
  • Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml
  • Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml

Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml

Fabrikazio profesional gisa, Yeco Perfume Bottle Empty 50Ml eskaini nahi dizugu. Produktuaren kalitatea modu kritikoan kontrolatzen dugu fabrikazioko urrats guztietan. Besterik gabeko zerbitzu-laguntza eskaintzen dugu.

Bidali kontsulta

Produktuaren Deskribapena

Fabrikazio profesional gisa, Yeco Perfume Bottle Empty 50Ml eskaini nahi dizugu. Oro har, 50 ml-ko lurrin-botila huts bat aukera polifazetikoa eta praktikoa da bere lurrin gogokoenak gorde edo erakutsi nahi dituen edonorentzat. Aukera bikaina da, halaber, beren usain pertsonalizatuak sortzea gustatzen zaienentzat edo bidaiarako perfumea transferitzeko modu erosoa behar dutenentzat.

Produktuaren parametroa



Perfume Botila Hustua 50Ml Edukiera 100ML
Materiala Plastikoa/Beira FEA 15,0 mm
Azalera prozesatzea serigrafia / bero estanpazioa / izoztea / kolorezko pintura / UV estaldura / bero transferentzia / sua leuntzea / eskuko leunketa




Zerbitzu osoa produktuaren diseinutik, moldeetatik, ekoizpenetik, ontziratzeko metodotik

Jatorri lekua Ningbo, Txina Lead Time Orokorrean 30-45 egun
Lagina Jarri gurekin harremanetan doako laginak lortzeko MOQ 10000 PZ

Paketatzea eta entrega

Kopurua (piezak)

1 - 10000

> 10000

Epea (egunak)


Negoziatu beharrekoa

50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap


50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap 


50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap50ml 100ml Clear Empty Luxury Perfume Glass Perfume Bottle With Wood Cap

Hot Tags: Perfume botila hutsik 50 ml, Txina, fabrikatzaileak, hornitzaileak, pertsonalizatua, fabrika, stocka, aurrekontua
Produktuen etiketa
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